2821 Milan Street

New Orleans, LA 70115

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Treatment services for Individuals and Couples include:

Professional mental health treatment and evaluation services since 1975

Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counseling for adolescents, adults, families and couples are available.





Evaluative services for Individuals and Couples include:

- Independent Medical Examinations

- Fitness For Duty evaluations

“I write to express my appreciation for the expert care I have received from Dr. Jeffry Luria. I consulted Dr. Luria to resolve specific complaints. When after only three months my symptoms subsided, I recognized that the difficulties that created them were much deeper and so continued therapy.  The further treatment has provided much clarity and relief. Dr. Luria is forthright, compassionate, and uncompromising on behalf of his patient's wellbeing.”–HK

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